Thursday, September 22, 2011

when we are weak...

this week has been hard.  something going on every night and 5 days straight of nursing (aka work) my inability to go to bed as early as i should.  i feel like i could probably sleep for 24 hours if i was given the option, but instead I have to get up at 6am again tomorrow morning (6:25 by the time i hit the buzzer 3 times).  Not that i don't enjoy what I do or how I serve within the Church..... this week i'm just tired, and it's all a lot.  But in all of it I really praise the Lord, because after a week of feeling a bit distant spiritually, and me slacking in my morning devotions, the Lord in His mercy gave me this week.    .... that in all of it I might learn to carry my cross and learn once again that if i'm not depending on Him, my life has no meaning or purpose.

when we are weak, we are so quick to look at our circumstances.  Sometimes we look at the frustrating situation that we may be in or we may look at ourselves and the abundance of mistakes we can't seem to stop making.  We might look at the people around us and blame them for our problems.  But over and over again this week through frustrating situations, self blame, and blaming others.. .... i've been hearing from the Lord.... "look away unto Me"....   almost as if a voice is calling from another land .... "Look away unto me"

... i love that this phrase includes the word "away"... it's actively looking away from whatever you are looking at now... to look to Jesus.

so many of the decisions i make each day are related to my own ideas...
...most of the feelings i feel are because of some sort of selfishness.
but when i am obedient to looking away unto Jesus.... it is like as i look away ... it's just like the song "the things of this world will grow strangely dim" ... and i imagine it like the noises of my life that have blocked out the Lord for so long, are now quickly fading behind me.

the great thing about looking away unto Jesus, is that it is the most simple of all things we could do.
The other day in the middle of a crazy shift at work, I had a second where I wasn't caught up in the craziness of the day.... and in that small moment ... only maybe 10 seconds or so.. I remembered the Lord, and just in that moment I felt peace and i felt rejuvenated     

Looking away unto Jesus is not some sort of ritual or step by step process.  it's just exactly as stated.... we take a second, maybe a minute, or an hour, or more to just stop and look at Him, to quiet our hearts, and just fix our eyes at Himself and His glory.

Looking unto Jesus is all it takes to change us.

so when you are weak, and when you are hurting, and when you are too busy to even know where you're at spiritually ... if it's even for a moment,    ....stop... and look away unto Jesus.  In gazing at His face, you will be changed... healed... renewed....revived.... and redirected.

Why wouldn't we look away to Him? 

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