Sunday, September 11, 2011

problem solver extraordinaire...

...or so I think.

I wrote this poem last night ... it essentially what the Lord has been teaching me through many experiences and messages recently...

Problem Solver ...

Everywhere I looked, there was a problem to solve,
whether finding a cheap flight, or fixing my TV.
I loved the thrill of putting the puzzle pieces together.
Knowing that I could accomplish it, would satisfy me.

So I had this brilliant idea, thought I knew what was best
I could bring my love for problem-solving into the House of God.
For it seems there's soo much wrong, God must want me to help out.
So I let myself go to work, like it was my job.

But amidst my "good intentions" came unnecessary interventions
and I tried to fix the Church with my own two hands,
that only got weary... and raw... and broken....
'till I came to the conclusion...  ... I .. am a sinful man.

Who do I think that I am, trying to mess with God's plan?!
Trying to reconstruct God's House into the way I thought it should be?
Did I really think what the Spirit had started, the flesh could complete?
But I realized....I couldn't make the Church change, until I let... God ...change... me.

..and when I submit, it's one.. less... obstacle.., getting in the way, of Him, ...working freely.

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