Sunday, May 5, 2013

let them see You...

too many times in the last few weeks have I let my mouth run before I actually thought about what I was going to say.  I let my reaction happen before I let Christ reign in me.
It left me with a lot of regret... and feelings of just helplessness in my own tendencies to be lead by sin & my old self.  I had prayed recently that the Lord would open the eyes of my heart... and I had asked him to humble me so that I would be useful to Him.  Both He accomplished.  I saw the depth of me.  & I saw my true condition before the perfect almighty King....
                                                                     ...and it was ugly.
I am truly just a sinner.  Only prone to sin... only prone to serve self.
I once again tried to claim the rights to my life... but it is not my life.. it was bought with a price.  Thank the Lord!

So once again I'm learning to yield "my" rights ... and say have Your way.   Help me get out of the way... may You alone be exalted.  May this world see You alone through me.

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