Tuesday, April 23, 2013


thoughts from last week...

After a crazy busy week last week... & with everything going on in this nation & the world right now.  I have been reminded what is most important... & that is prayer.

Is it not obvious that there is much shaking going on in this world right now?
...I do hope and pray that we would wake up and smell reality.  Is not God allowing all of this that we might turn again, America?  What happened to the nation that was blessed and prosperous and free?  We have turned to anger, division, violence, blatant selfishness and blaming.  ...Has anyone ever wondered if it was because we've forgotten why were blessed in the first place?  Because GOD BLESSED America & we believed it was God's hand.  ...but now we "bless" ourselves, and leave God out of it... and corruption runs rampant.

Oh America, turn again!  Our God is loving and kind and always takes us back!  Seek Him in times of trouble!  Rest in His bosom, trust in His strength! & pray, yes pray with all your heart!  He is listening, and longs to hear from you!

May God draw us near to Himself once again and restore His testimony and His promise in this nation once again.  He is our protector, if only we would regard Him & listen and obey Him.  Oh how we need Him!

remember this verse..
"O, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it!  How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!" -Matthew 23:37

...could we not change this out to say "O America, America..."

May we turn again, to the God who has given us all that is good and remember His promises and His faithfulness.  May we turn away from wickedness, self-righteousness, and humble ourselves and pray that this land may be healed.

1 comment:

  1. your blog needs to have a "like" (or maybe an "amen") button :) ... sorry i only get on here every few months to see if you have anything but just wanted to say reading your stuff makes me happy :D
