Tuesday, July 16, 2013


...A word I have been recently challenged with.

Dictionary.com has given this insight...
1. to give in trust or charge; consign.
2. to consign for preservation
3. to pledge (oneself) to a position on an issue or question
4. to bind or obligate, as by pledge or assurance; pledge
5. to entrust, especially for safekeeping; commend

America notoriously has commitment issues.  We change our beliefs all the time, we get married, then divorced then married again.  We follow the media from right to wrong and don't have any one true conviction but just tend to go with what's popular.  What are we committed to?  Are we committed to anything but comfort, pleasure and self preservation?

I've had a little time to think over this in the last couple weeks, and I've found that my commitment to the Lord, it wavers.  One day I'm gung ho... I will fight with You to the end!! and the next day, I feel as though my flesh cannot help but fail.

But as I've meditated on this word, and as we can see in the definitions given above... I've found that commitment is indeed a decision that we make:  a choice that we make every day, every moment.  Am I fully committed unto the Lord?  What would that look like?  What would that mean for me?

It means my utter loyalty is unto Him alone.  His Word is above all else.  It means when He speaks, I listen and obey.  It means I have decided to let Him have all of me.
Practically ... When I wake up with a smile on my face and a revived heart I commit myself unto Him for the day, I turn my ear to Him, and listen for His leading.  And on the day when my strength fails, I commit myself to Him, and trust that He will be my strength.
When my flesh is just crying for what is easy in the moment, whether it be to come back at someone who said something unkind, or to just want to watch TV for hours after a tough day at work... or the temptation of committing ourselves to other things like fashion, food, or even family over the Lord.  When our flesh longs for what is easy... that it when we need to choose once again where our commitment lies.

"Then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve" -Joshua 24:15

**Note that if our choice is to serve the Lord, as Joshua and his household, then the Lord will strengthen us for the task at hand.  We do not need to trust in our own strength!**
BUT, there is a secret to commitment.  Commitment is not just something we do because our religion tells us to commit ourselves to the Lord.  Yes, we should commit ourselves to the Lord.
But what makes us want to commit ourselves to Him?
Does He not first constrain us with His love?

Mary Magdalene was one who was fully devoted and committed to the Lord even following his resurrection.  But she was committed unto Him because she knew first hand how very precious the love, forgiveness, and redemption that was bestowed upon her, free of charge.  And she was a great sinner, who had been overcome by 7, yes 7 demons... before the love and power and forgiveness of the Lord freed her.

Have we been caught by this Love that will constrain us to commit to the Lord with our whole being?
Have we really known the Lord's love?  Have we known His redemption?  His freeing power?  His unconditional forgiveness?
Oh may the Lord reveal His love to us more and more, that we might be constrained!

If we have tasted this great love, is it not natural for us to commit ourselves unto Him, and to His beautiful and wonderful and glorious will?!  Let us not forget the greatness of the Love that has been shown to us!

Let us be fully committed to the One who first loved us.

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