Sunday, March 10, 2013

Ever have one of those days where you get to a point where you can no longer keep your eyes open, and it feels like you have nothing left in you to pull through for the next however many hours you have to go?   ....and then be miraculously given strength and peace, and joy in going above and beyond giving what was needed?
Today was one of those days, and it was so evident by the end of shift that it had been God's grace all along.   He is good & his steadfast love endures forever. the last month... it's like God has been bringing all these puzzle piece together.  little experiences that make His life so much more real.  I've tried for so long... questioned for so long why God has had to bring so many things into my life... questioning why so many times i've felt "misled" by signs or experiences I had felt were from the Lord.  Questioning why God had let things happen that were seemingly "unfair"...always fighting with God... telling him that His will just didn't make sense... it just didn't seem to fit right... and work out right.  God if you lead me down this path with all this... why are you not following through?  I thought your will was always good?!  why do I feel so confused... so conflicted... where is the peace from walking in your will?  Where is the light that was supposed to open up the way by now?

...little did I know, that all the seemingly "dead ends" and "unfair" circumstances had much more meaning to the Lord than I could have imagined.  Oh how he knows what we need.  I've had to have my expectations squashed many a time throughout my life... and my plans fall through time after time... but I believe I'm finally learning to say "Have Your Way" and actually mean it.  If His way is to build me up and then tear me down... so be it... I know that no matter what He has in store for me, it is a blessing because it is HE who is the one who is leading, and He loves me more than I could ever know & I have Him through it all, as my dearest friend.  

Submission, Victory, Surrender, Conceding, Joy, Peace  ...
   ...words that have become so much more real to me lately.  How I praise my Lord!    :)

the song playing in my car on the way home from work was called "When God Ran" sung by Phillips, Craig, & Dean.  Shows the love of our great & wonderful Father.

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