Wednesday, October 24, 2012


a poem i found in my notes from last may...I added and adjusted some.  

Waiting for the adventures of life to unfold, 
wondering what stories will be told,
sometimes wishing that I could know the road.  
But in the mean time, I'll learn to hold,
...yes, I'll learn to hold on to You. 

In the mean time, I'll learn to set my gaze You.  
In the mean time, I'll cling solely to what is truth.
In the mean time, O, in the mean time...
...I'll come to learn that life's greatest adventure is found in You. 

So many days I'm putting my hope in things that will fade,
trying to grasp at something that is slipping away
waiting for the perfect life to show it's face
forgetting that perfection is only found in Your grace.  

I no longer have to what I've finally learned
I've already been given that for which my spirit yearns
My Savior's Life abundant, deep within me burns
but for one thing I wait, my precious Lord's return.  

Waiting is not my favorite thing to do.  Lets be honest, who likes to wait?  But look to the book of Psalms, and you will find verse after verse after verse on waiting on the Lord...
"none who wait for you shall be put to shame" - Psalm 25:3
"for you I wait all the day long" - Psalm 25:5
"wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; and wait for the Lord!" - Psalm 27:14
"for God alone my soul waits in silence" - Psalm 62:1
"my soul waits for the Lord, more than the watchmen for the morning" - psalm 130:6
...and it other books...
"wait for the Lord, and he will deliver you"  - Proverbs 20:22
'but those who wait for the Lord, shall renew their strength..." - Isaiah 43:1
"the Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him." Lamentations 3:25
"But as for me, I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation..." - Micah 7:7
"'Therefore, wait for Me', declares the Lord." - Zephaniah 3:8
"For through the spirit, by faith, we ourselves eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness." - Galatians 5:5
"And thus Abraham, having patiently waited, obtained the promise." - Hebrews 6:15

...these are but a few, but is it talking about waiting for a certain event to happen or for the Lord to accomplish something grand??.. Not really, no.  It is waiting upon the Lord, waiting in the secret place to make himself known to us.  To wait upon someone is to attend to them.  To give them your attention.  The Lord desires our attention, because He wants to reveal so much to us and bringer into a fuller purpose of life, a life live out unto Him, and by Him and through Him.  But so often we get so caught up in our busy days... we hope in the things that will one day be taken from us... and secret place, that inner sanctuary... remains covered in dust.  Will we neglect this beautiful, wonderful invitation that was handed to us when Jesus took the nails for us?  To enter into his life and his glory?  Why neglect learning of Him?  He is the only one that offers peace.  He is truth and light, Love, righteousness, & holiness.  He defines these things and He desires that we come and learn of Him, spend time with Him, and wait before Him.  

...when we wait on the world ... we will receive temporary pleasures, new gadgets, friends, and of course death...for that is where all the temporary ends. 
When we wait on the Lord, He reveals more of his life in us, and we gain that which is eternal.  He supplies us with contentment, peace, joy, and vision.  He changes us into His likeness, and readies us for His coming again.  The God of this universe finds joy in revealing the secrets of His heart to us, and this what He does when we learn to sit before Him.  
...Is there really much of a choice here between the two?
      What/who are you waiting on?     

"And now O, Lord, for what do I wait?  My hope is in you." - Psalm 39:4


  1. i absolutely love the poem. well written, straight from the heart that is learning to wait! one of the toughest lessons these days. thanks for sharing!

    1. Praise the Lord :). yeah seems like learning to wait is what draws us closest to Him. :).
      ...oh and btw congrats on your newborn Joshua! Can't wait to meet him!
