Saturday, June 30, 2012

vision with tears...

i feel as though I need to write out the turmoil that has invaded my heart, and the reality that the Lord has revealed to me.  Today, the Lord opened my eyes... and I felt just a small piece of the pain that he must feel a billion times over, when he sees us, us being the people that roam the earth.  

I was at work today... a rather slow day, where we actually had time to sit around and talk to each other as coworkers.  I was at the computer when I overheard a conversation about how someone felt that they were being treated unfairly, and were comparing themselves to others and talking about how they had the rights to certain things that weren't given to them, and so on and so forth, with another employee agreeing with them and spurring them on.  I don't know why this day stood out, because conversations happen like this all the time at work, where someone is complaining about someone else... or complaining about conditions and such (and i cannot say that i've never been one of them).  But by some grace of God, I remembered the Lord Jesus as I overheard this conversation ... and I wanted to cry right then and there.  

We are soo soo soo selfish.  And we are always fighting for our rights, fighting for what we believe we deserve... fighting for our own freedom ... and fighting so that once we win one battle, we can go fight another one... so that we can become even more selfish.  

How can our Maker look down on the people he gave life to and not cry?   
HE is the CREATOR, the KING, the One who is ALL DESERVING.  The One who had every right to abandon us, to let us wallow in our pity, and to sink in our sin.  

BUT, He chose to love us, and not just as one friend loves another, but He gave up His very rights.  He gave up what we would fight for today.  He gave up His throne, His glory, His position, and He even gave up his freedom, and the God of this world was bound by chains made by men, and was beaten, whipped, cursed at and spit on, He was forced to carry the very cross he would be hung on to die up the hill called Calvary.  Why did He do this?  Because He looked at us and loved us, even in our sin.  He looked at us and saw that if He gave up Himself we might be freed, and be able to live new life through Him, not one drowned by our own sin and selfishness and death.  He saw that in this way, He could reclaim His beloved, and bring us back into His bosom where we might known rest and peace, and grace, and receive His eternal life. 

We are so often fighting for our own rights.  BUT when are we fighting for HIS rights.  The rights that the Lord has in our lives here and now.  He gave us HIS ALL, and we receive it so light heartedly, and then go back to fighting so hard for what we want, and what we believe we're entitled too.  
You know what we're entitled to?? DEATH.  Period. We do not deserve any better.  
We cannot do anything to better ourselves.  We have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  period. 

Oh that the world would see and know how wretched and poor and blind we are!
and Oh that we would see the grace the Lord has lavished upon us!! 

MAY WE WAKE UP AND SEE!  Oh how we are in desperate need of the Savior, the Lord Jesus.

He has blessed us so much that He has offered to share His inheritance with us.  May the Lord help us to willingly enter into it.   May we let Him bless us with all the spiritual blessings in Christ.  May we experience His riches and know His unfathomable love.  When we fight for ourselves we are boxing the air, and just wasting energy.  But when we stand in Christ, we need not fight, but simply rest in the victory that He has already won for us.  Hallelujah!  May we see this and be freed!   

"But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light. For this reason it says,
            “Awake, sleeper, 
              And arise from the dead, 
               And Christ will shine on you.”
 -Ephesians 5:13-14      

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