Tuesday, October 11, 2011

done with me.

sometimes i just really need to learn to deny myself.  and i think for each of us we can say God gives us ample opportunity to do so.  ....but often times we are so blind in our own selfish ways of doing things, blind to our own manipulative ways we have of drowning out God's voice.
.... but how refreshing is it... when a brother or sister comes and points out something off in our lives that seems so obvious to them.  Thank the Lord that our brothers and sisters are the ones who keep us accountable, who sharpen us, and who help keep us on the straight and narrow and get us back in the Lord, when we may have been caught up in ourselves for too long, and lost in our own train of thought.

tonight i just feel like i need to be done thinking, done evaluating, done analyzing, done with me and my head, my ideas of what is right and wrong, done with my ideas of what is good and bad, done with me perceptions of this world. done with my interpretations. and just done with me.

Jesus is all.

            .... so why am I wasting time.... trying to glorify myself.... i'm just making a fool of me that's all.

Jesus is all.

            ...so why do i spend so much time planning, and deciphering, weighing options, and just getting caught up in the details.

Jesus is EVerything

      ... so shut up already Jess and let him do His thing!

May all glory and honor and praises be unto Him who sits on the throne.

i love my Maker.
He is so very patient, and so very kind.
And so willing to change us, by doing whatever it takes.
And I'm am so blessed to be a part of the Body of Christ.

gnight friends.

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