Sunday, November 6, 2011

stop moping around .....praise Him!

lately there has been a lot of fog.  a lot of not knowing what the future will look like.  a lot of not knowing what to do with the current circumstances.  a lot of not knowing how to process different happenings in life.  not knowing how to be a good testimony, not knowing how to face the challenges that come up at work, in the body of Christ, and my personal experiences.  i've finally come to the point of not knowing anything.

with little strength, little wisdom, and a way full of uncertainty ... I come before the throne of grace.

i have been reminded recently, by the Holy Spirit, that I need to lift up my voice in praise.

giving praise to God ...during the times of utter chaos and confusion, during times where the clouds have just rolled in, during times that it seems everyone is swimming the opposite direction, and times where strength is non-existent....  giving praise to God in these times seems so irrational, doesn't it?  ... i mean the rest of the world would tell us to blame God ... remember Job's experience?

But one of God's great mysteries .... is that when we praise Him in the midst of crisis... how often do we feel immediately strengthened by Him?  when we Praise for no other reason apart from his death on the cross .... even in this... do we not find rest in giving Him praise?  Do we not somehow, because of lifting our eye to give thanks to Jesus, feel so incredibly blessed, and suddenly in the Lord's presence.  What a blessing it is to lift our hearts and our thanks to Jesus in times of difficulty.

He is always worthy of being praised, but I believe that if we're willing to praise Him during these hard times, then we have recognized that life is not all about us.  We've finally come to a place where we can say, "Jesus, I love you and worship You, because you are seated on the throne!  You are Lord, and King, and Your Name is to be ever trusted!"  ... when we do this, even in praising Him, we are denying ourselves, and because of this ... we can enter into the Joy of the Lord, and be at peace.

So praise Him!  He is always worthy of our praise ... but are we willing to offer it up?  Are we willing to stop moping around, and lift our praises, our hands, our hearts and our lives to worship the King?
oh... in doing so, we will find much greater fulfillment then we currently know in our circumstance.

Lord, teach us to praise you, help us to lift our voices and sing a song of thanksgiving, to the One who has given us everything.  

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